About Section Tally

Section Tally is a tool to help students, faculty, and administrators to quickly see reports on course sections and enrollment.

Data Discrepancies?

Does something seem wrong with the data presented here? Feel free to email info@sectiontally.com and we will look into the problem. Keep in mind, we are pulling the data directly from the institutions, so if there's an issue, it might be that the institution has to clean up data.

Feel free to share this article with your university's administration!


The information displayed here is sourced from the university, college, or institution. While we strive to make the data as presentable as possible, we cannot guarantee that the information presented is complete.

Unless specified otherwise, Section Tally is not affiliated with the institutions displayed on this site. Section Tally is not affliated with Ellucian, the producer of Banner, Colleague, DegreeWorks, and other fine higher education student information systems.

Use of Section Tally is at your own risk.

Always check course listings and section availability with your friendly, local Registrar or your assigned/faculty advisor.

Section Tally

The information displayed within is from the respective higher education institution(s).

Contact info@sectiontally.com for any questions or concerns.